
Extra-Curricular Clubs

Queen’s Drive Primary School is very proud of its extra-curricular provision for children. A wide range of clubs take place throughout the week to engage the children at all ages.

Clubs are often seasonal with children taking part in clubs either before school, during lunchtimes or after school. The clubs are free and are very popular with the children.

The school also makes great use of external providers to further enhance the offer to the children.

Sports Clubs:

Our Football Teams

Queen’s Drive boasts many football teams for both boys and girls. Regular weekly training sessions for children in Year 5 and 6 enable the school to select an ‘A’ and ‘B’ squad to participate in the Preston Schools’ league and cup fixtures. The boy’s football team is managed by Mr Aspinall and Mr Noblet with Mr Pearce running the girl’s team. In addition to these two teams, the school also has a Year 3 and 4 team which participate in the Preston Schools’ 6 aside competition and friendly fixtures. These children train at lunchtimes in preparation for their games. Each football team has their own unique football kit for playing their fixtures. The school has established links with Preston North End who run additional football coaching sessions for children aged as young as 5 years old through to 11 years of age. These sessions take place in the autumn and summer terms.

Our Netball Team

Queen’s Drive holds weekly training sessions for any child in Year 5 and 6. The school trains on Thursday after school and plays league and tournament fixtures against other schools in the Preston area. Boys are more than welcome to attend these training sessions as the school also fields a ‘High Five’ team which is made up of 2 boys in the team. The school plays an annual tournament each year against other schools. Netball skills are practised throughout the school but in year 5, the school participates in the Preston Schools’ Netball Skills Challenge event for up to 8 children. The school has their own bespoke netball kit for the teams made up of the school colours and badge. This is the envy of other schools! Mrs Brame runs the netball team.

Our Tag Rugby Team

Queen’s Drive runs weekly training sessions for pupils in Year 5 and 6 to learn and play tag rugby. This is a popular club with over 40 children attending each week. The children learn handing and passing skills along with tactical development on how to play the game. The school plays league fixtures against other Preston schools and also participates in the annual Tag Rugby tournament. This is an exciting sport which involves both boys and girls playing together. Mr Pearce and Mr Noble help run the teams for the school.

Our Gymnastics Team

Queen’s Drive has a very proud tradition of producing excellent gymnastics teams. The school runs regular ‘before school’ gymnastics clubs for children ranging from Year 1 and 2, Year 3 and 4 along with the older children in Years 5 and 6. These clubs often lead to competitions against other Preston Schools in which Queen’s Drive have won many awards in recent years. Mrs Robertson, Mrs Cooke, Mrs Brame and Mr Aspinall coach these children. In addition to traditional gymnastics, the school also runs a 6 week trampolining club for some of the Key Stage 2 pupils. Again, the school uses this club to help build a successful trampolining team.

Our Dance Club

Queen’s Drive holds two dance clubs for children throughout the year. Children in Years 3 and 4 get the opportunity to learn a range of dances and dance moves as part of a before school dance club. This club is run by Mrs Farrington. Mrs Farrington also runs a Year 5 & 6 dance club. Both clubs come together to form a team at the Preston Schools’ Dance festival each year.

Other Clubs & Teams

Queen’s Drive is committed to sport and physical activity. In addition. to the clubs and teams mentioned above, the school also has very successful Swimming, Cricket, Athletics, Tennis, Rounders and Hockey clubs and teams. The school is keen to extend the range of clubs and competitive teams which it offers to suit the demands and interests of the children.

Other Clubs

Further clubs will be added to this table as they get started. Some of these clubs are weather dependent so please keep an eye out for a message if it is cancelled.

Queen’s Drive Choir

Choir in KS2 is usually open to all year groups in the juniors. During the Autumn and Spring term the choir practise for the annual Young Voices concert. This is an amazing event held at the Manchester Arena in February. It is led by Mrs Kearvell, Mrs Cooke and Mrs Peters.

Nearer Christmas time we participate in a carol concert at a local church in December. We also bring some Christmas carol cheer to our nearby care home and supermarket.

Recorder Club

Recorder skills are also taught in Year 2 and a small group of enthusiastic children will have the opportunity to improve their ‘tooting’ skills in a small club held in the spring/summer term with Mrs Kearvell.

Ukulele Club

We are very fortunate at Queen’s Drive to have a class set of ukuleles. We offer ukulele club to Year 6 children initially. Later on in the year, our Year 5 children may have the opportunity to participate too.

The club is run by Mrs Kearvell.

Instrumental tuition

Children have the opportunity to learn an instrument during school time. We are currently offering lessons in recorder, flute, clarinet, saxophone and keyboard with Mrs Adewale.

We also have a Lancashire Music Service teacher in school offering tuition in guitar and ukulele.

These instrumental lessons are taught in small groups each week. Please ask at the school office if you would like your child to receive instrumental lessons and we will give you details of cost etc.

Computer Club

At Queen’s Drive we offer a range of Computing Clubs. Children in Year 2 take part in a Coding Club where they use the skills that they have acquired during lessons to code using a wider range of software, such as Scratch and Scratch Jr. Year 5 and 6 children have the opportunity to learn how to build websites using HTML code.

Gardening Club

Gardening club will resume in the Spring term. Mrs Brewer and Mrs Riding will be running the club so keep a look out for details.

Gardening club gives the children the opportunity to be creative outside. We focus on hands on activities with particular focus on seasonality of crops. There are several raised beds, where the children will plant potatoes, onions and herbs. The children will use the green house and have the responsibility of looking after the crops.

Mathematics Tuition

Children in Year 5 and 6 will be invited to attend additional mathematics tuition on a Wednesday evening. These children will receive 1 to 1 tuition by an external provider called ‘Third Space Learning’. Each child will have a personal tutor and complete their session online. These sessions take place after school and by invite only.

Climbing Club

New this year!!!! Queen’s Drive are excited to run a climbing club at various times of the school year. This will involve climbing up a 7m high climbing tower which is situated on the school grounds behind The Hive. The Climbing Tower allows 4 climbers to climb at once using appropriate harness and safety matting. The school has 6 trained climbing instructors to facilitate this exciting club. The children will work towards their own personal targets along with following an approved climbing progress award. Numbers are limited for this particular club for obvious safety reasons.

Art Club

Our Art leader Mrs Farrington currently runs an Art session on a Wednesday lunchtime for any KS 2 child who would like to do some art during their lunchtime. This is a popular club with many people attending and developing their art skills. The children use the Learning Lab room for this session and are very creative in their work!