Support for Learning
Dear Parents,
We have created a series of maths videos to support you when you are helping your child at home. We hope they will be helpful.
Kind regards,
Mr. Noblet and Mr Lickley
Maths subject leader team
Below you will find all the video's for Division for each Year group.
Reading and Phonics
At Queen’s Drive Primary School we believe that reading is one of the most important skills children learn from the moment they begin their learning journey at our school. We put as much energy as we possibly can into making sure that every single child learns to read as quickly as possible. We want your child to love reading – and to want to read for themselves. This is why we put our efforts into making sure Queens Drive pupils develop a love of books as well as learning to read by using their knowledge of phonics. Queen’s Drive Primary School knows the part high quality phonics teaching and learning provides in developing early reading, writing and spelling skills. Phonics is accessible to all children and is taught in such a way to help children know, remember and understand more. Through daily phonics
teaching pupils are taught the skills they need to read quickly and skilfully. They are taught to look closely at the sounds individual letters or groups of letters make in words and use this to decode words to read or segment words to spell. Through structured, systematic and synthetic phonics teaching we intend for our pupils to be able to:
Recognise, say and write all phonemes within each phase
Use their phonic knowledge to orally blend and segment phonetically decodable words
Use their phonic knowledge to attempt to read and write more complex words
Read easily, fluently and with good understanding, age and ability appropriate texts
Develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information
Write clearly, accurately and coherently, using phonic knowledge
This academic year, we will begin using Red Rose Letters and Sounds to plan and teach our daily phonics sessions in EYFS, Year One and Year Two as appropriate. Red Rose Letters and Sounds is a planning tool written by the Lancashire English and Literacy Team. It builds on children’s speaking and listening skills which in turn prepare children for learning to read, write and spell by developing their phonic knowledge and skills. Letters and Sounds has six distinct phases that build on children’s phonics ability in a structured, systematic and synthetic way.
A whole range of resources can currently be found in the ‘English’ section of the ‘Curriculum’ tab.
Reading Newsletters-
Each term a Reading Newsletter will be sent out the school community through our school messaging system and this website. Below is our latest Reading Newsletter.
Phonics for Parents!
Here are some very useful slides to demonstrate how phonics is taught at Queen’s Drive. Please take time to look at these slides to help support your child’s learning.
Handwriting information
Please see this resource for information relating to how handwriting is taught in Year 2.
Workshops for Parents
During this year we have held several workshops for parents.