
We are pleased to let you know that the report from our recent Ofsted inspection, November 2024 is now available. This was a full graded Section 5 inspection under the new framework.

We are extremely pleased with the report, and it reflects where we are on our school journey. Miss Ailsa McCondichie, our Chair of Governors said, " Well done Queen's Drive, this is such a positive report, so much to celebrate about our great school.  Governors are delighted and proud that the hard work of everyone has been recognised and rewarded."

The process was extremely positive and useful in terms of looking at school improvement and the inspectors were very thorough in their inspection of our school. At this point, Ofsted have judged Queen’s Drive Primary as Good in all areas with many strengths in each category. This is a fantastic achievement within the new framework. The inspectors talked very positively about the ethos of the school and our wonderful children, calling them “polite and well mannered” and that they are proud of their school. Our ‘happy and welcoming school’ was one of many strengths.

Here are some of the strengths of the school:

·         Children in Reception benefit from a wide range of stories and songs.

·         Children in Reception get off to a strong start in their understanding of phonics.

·         Older pupils enjoy taking responsibility for younger pupils.

·         Pupils look after their school environment.

·         Pupils have a strong respect for, and appreciation of different faiths and cultures.

·         Pupils’ personal development is a strength of the school.

·         Our Curriculum supports pupils’ additional needs well, including pupils with special educational needs.

·         Reading is central to learning.

·         School is well led at all levels, which includes our hard-working governors.

·         Pupils who find it difficult to manage their emotions or relate positively with their classmates receive effective support.

·         Pupils are able to manage their emotions and as a result lessons are calm and purposeful.

·         The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Please find below a copy of the Inspection Report which includes our main areas to develop. The link to the OFSTED report on-line will be put on here as soon as it appears on their website.