Sports Premium


In 2012, as part of the Olympic legacy, the government pledged to provide additional funding to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This additional funding is continuing to be awarded to schools and is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to schools to be spent on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. This funding has continued to be provided to schools to maintain the high levels of sporting provision.

All state-maintained schools, academies, middle schools, special schools and pupil referral units which have primary aged pupils (as reported in the 2021 school census) will receive the funding.

  • Schools with 16 or fewer eligible pupils receive £1,000 per pupil.

  • Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil.

Queen’s Drive received a total budget of approximately £20,000 for pupils from Y1-Y6. This comes in 2 payments throughout the year. Funding is based on data from the school census.

We understand the importance of physical activity and sport to the overall well-being of every child and are committed to raising participation rates and achievement for all our children. To help with these aims, we have ensured that our sports premium will:

  • benefit all children regardless of sporting ability.

  • ensure the most able children are given the opportunity to compete in tournaments with other schools.

  • ensure staff have access to training opportunities and continued professional development.

With the above rationale in mind, we have used our Sports Premium funding to:

  • Employ qualified sport coaches (Level 2 minimum) to work alongside our staff to support teachers in their teaching of PE. This investment in the professional development of staff at our school is to ensure that they are best equipped to teach high quality Physical Education and school sport for years to come. Many of these coaching skills can be transferred into other sports. PNE Football Club work with our EYFS , Year 1 and 2 staff each week to provide coaching around the ‘Fundamentals’ of PE. This is proving very beneficial for both the children and the teaching staff.

  • Purchase a wide range of new equipment to offer access to new sports and activities as well as improving our existing provision, including the establishment of an intra-school football league, Rounders and Cricket competition.

  • Purchase new sports kits for netball, football, cricket and hockey with our logo embroidered, to promote a genuine sense of pride in representing our school in inter-school events.

  • Fund transport for attending some inter-school sporting activities.

  • Support low income families with the opportunity for their child to attend a residential trip to Kingswood.

  • Invest in a portable climbing tower that can be used on and off site. Training staff members to deliver sessions is already underway.

  • Provide regular ‘additional swimming’ sessions for all children in year 2, 3 and 4.

  • Provide coaching and educational staff to reinforce the need for healthy lifestyles through work on regular exercise and diets.

  • Although the sports premium funding is not calculated with EYFS children in the numbers, we feel as a school that the importance of skill development as early as possible should be catered for.

    What has been the Impact?

    The school evaluate the impact of the sports premium funding as part of our normal self-evaluation and provision mapping arrangements. Systems are in place to monitor the spending plan to ensure the children get the best possible experiences to ensure they have access to high quality PE sessions both in and out of school.

    Based on last years’ efforts, the school is delighted to announce that they were awarded the Sainsbury’s School Games ‘Platinum’ kite mark. This award is true measure of the schools’ commitment to PE and Sport in and out of school and is a very thorough scrutiny of the school’s systems and procedures in place to promote sport. The school has previously been awarded the ‘Gold’ award for the last 4 years.

    Over 250 children represented the school at various inter-school sports last year. The school operates regular sporting teams from as young as Reception through to Year 6. The school finished second in the Preston Schools’ Sporting Championship in 2023/24. The school is very successful in the Preston area and is highly regarded for its sporting provision throughout the area. The school won over 25 trophies for sporting events just last year!

    Participation in sporting clubs continues to rise year on year with nearly 70% of the children attending an extra-curricular club at some point in the year. These are carried out before school, at lunchtimes and after school to appeal to all ages and interests.

    Staff development continues to focus highly with some of this funding. All teachers have received support within their PE sessions from qualified level 2 ‘sports-specific’ coaches. In addition to this, the school brings in many outside agencies to assist with multi-skills activities for the younger children both in curriculum time and as part of lunchtime and after school activities.

Spending Plans

Evaluation of Impact