On-line Safety

On-line Safety

Pupils at Queen's Drive Primary School have access to a range of technology and online materials that enrich and extend teaching and learning opportunities. The benefits to teaching and learning are many and varied. Pupils are given clear objectives for safe internet use and will acccess material under guidance from their teachers. Children will always be supervised when working online and will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that users only access material appropriate to their learning.

As a school children are taught many online units in their computing lessons.

We have a number of staff with responsibilities for online safety:

  • Online Safety Leader/Deputy DSL: Mr J Lickley

  • Designated Safeguarding Leader: Mrs N Gomersall

  • Nominated Governor for Safeguarding: Mrs C Anderson

  • Technical representative from Bowker IT: Mr T Heckt

  • Nominated Staff Member in charge of monitoring and filtering: Mr J Lickley

Education at Queen's Drive

Queen's Drive pupils are taught to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private. Pupils are taught to identify where to go for help and support, and when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies. Pupils working online are always closely monitored by school staff. To ensure children are only accessing appropriate content this is monitored regularly by Mr Lickley as part of the filtering and monitoring role. Actions and taken immediately to address any concerns that arise, inline with our other safety policies. Any action that arises from this is reported to the Governing Body.

Filtering and Monitoring

Queen's Drive Primary School uses Netsweeper by SchoolsBoadband to filter inappropriate content from users in the school. We also monitor online activity of staff, children and visitors to Queen's Drive Primary School. Any concerns that arise are reported straight to a DSL.

Working with families

We work closely with our parents to support their children at home to develop safe practice when using online technology. We buy into the monthly Knowsley newsletters for parents .

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